






当然,你可以自由的忽略这些通常的布局方式,你可以创建任意的变化,只要是对你和你的项目有益,记住无论你选择什么,这不会是一种永久的承诺,你可以随时重新组织你的版本库。因为分支和标签都是普通的目录,svn move命令可以任意的改名和移动它们,从一种布局到另一种大概只是一系列服务器端的移动,如果你不喜欢版本库的组织方式,你可以任意修改目录结构。

记住,尽管移动目录非常容易,你必须体谅你的用户,你的修改会让你的用户感到迷惑,如果一个用户的拥有一个版本库目录的工作拷贝,你的svn move命令也许会删除最新的版本的这个路径,当用户运行svn update,会被告知这个工作拷贝引用的路径已经不再存在,用户需要强制使用svn switch转到新的位置。



$ svn delete http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/branches/my-calc-branch \
             -m "Removing obsolete branch of calc project."

Committed revision 375.

你的分支已经消失了,当然不是真的消失了:这个目录只是在HEAD修订版本里消失了,如果你使用svn checkoutsvn switch或者svn list来检查一个旧的版本,你仍会见到这个旧的分支。

If browsing your deleted directory isn't enough, you can always bring it back. Resurrecting data is very easy in Subversion. If there's a deleted directory (or file) that you'd like to bring back into HEAD, simply use svn copy to copy it from the old revision:

$ svn copy http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/branches/my-calc-branch@374 \
           http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/branches/my-calc-branch \
           -m "Restore my-calc-branch."

Committed revision 376.

In our example, your personal branch had a relatively short lifetime: you may have created it to fix a bug or implement a new feature. When your task is done, so is the branch. In software development, though, it's also common to have two “main” branches running side by side for very long periods. For example, suppose it's time to release a stable version of the calc project to the public, and you know it's going to take a couple of months to shake bugs out of the software. You don't want people to add new features to the project, but you don't want to tell all developers to stop programming either. So instead, you create a “stable” branch of the software that won't change much:

$ svn copy http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/trunk \
           http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/branches/stable-1.0 \
          -m "Creating stable branch of calc project."

Committed revision 377.

And now developers are free to continue adding cutting-edge (or experimental) features to /calc/trunk, and you can declare a project policy that only bug fixes are to be committed to /calc/branches/stable-1.0. That is, as people continue to work on the trunk, a human selectively ports bug fixes over to the stable branch. Even after the stable branch has shipped, you'll probably continue to maintain the branch for a long time—that is, as long as you continue to support that release for customers. We'll discuss this more in the next section.