
Please make sure your seat backs are in their full, upright position and that your tray tables are stored. Flight attendants, prepare for take-off….



运行下面的例子需要首先正确安装Subversion客户端程序svn以及管理工具svnadmin,并且必须为1.2或更新版本的Subversion程序(可以运行svn --version来检查Subversion的版本。)


$ svnadmin create /var/svn/repos
$ ls /var/svn/repos
conf/  dav/  db/  format  hooks/  locks/  README.txt

This command creates a new directory, /var/svn/repos, which contains a Subversion repository. This new directory contains (among other things) a collection of database files. You won't see your versioned files if you peek inside. For more information about repository creation and maintenance, see 第 5 章 版本库管理.

Subversion has no concept of a “project.” The repository is just a virtual versioned filesystem, a large tree that can hold anything you wish. Some administrators prefer to store only one project in a repository, and others prefer to store multiple projects in a repository by placing them into separate directories. The merits of each approach are discussed in “规划你的版本库结构”一节. Either way, the repository manages only files and directories, so it's up to humans to interpret particular directories as “projects”. So while you might see references to projects throughout this book, keep in mind that we're only ever talking about some directory (or collection of directories) in the repository.

In this example, we assume that you already have some sort of project (a collection of files and directories) that you wish to import into your newly created Subversion repository. Begin by organizing your data into a single directory called myproject (or whatever you wish). For reasons explained in 第 4 章 分支与合并, your project's tree structure should contain three top-level directories named branches, tags, and trunk. The trunk directory should contain all of your data, while the branches and tags directories are empty:



准备好了数据之后,就可以使用svn import命令(参见“Getting Data into Your Repository”一节)将其导入到版本库中:

$ svn import /tmp/myproject file:///var/svn/repos/myproject -m "initial import"
Adding         /tmp/myproject/branches
Adding         /tmp/myproject/tags
Adding         /tmp/myproject/trunk
Adding         /tmp/myproject/trunk/foo.c
Adding         /tmp/myproject/trunk/bar.c
Adding         /tmp/myproject/trunk/Makefile
Committed revision 1.



$ svn checkout file:///var/svn/repos/myproject/trunk myproject
A  myproject/foo.c
A  myproject/bar.c
A  myproject/Makefile
Checked out revision 1.


完整的工作拷贝操作指南,请参见第 2 章 基本使用

现在,Subversion版本库可以通过网络方式访问。参考第 6 章 服务配置,了解不同服务器软件的使用以及配置方法。