
A hook script is a program triggered by some repository event, such as the creation of a new revision or the modification of an unversioned property. Each hook is handed enough information to tell what that event is, what target(s) it's operating on, and the username of the person who triggered the event. Depending on the hook's output or return status, the hook program may continue the action, stop it, or suspend it in some way. Please refer to the chapter on Hook Scripts in the Subversion Book for full details about the hooks which are implemented.

这些钩子脚本被版本库所在的服务器执行。TortoiseSVN 也允许你配置由确定事件触发,在本地执行的客户端脚本。请参看 “客户端钩子脚本”一节 以获得更多信息。


rem Only allow log messages to be changed.
if "%4" == "svn:log" exit 0
echo Property '%4' cannot be changed >&2
exit 1
