基于 svnserve 的服务器




安装 svnserve

  1. http://subversion.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=91得到最新版本的Subversion。

  2. 如果你已经安装了Subversion,svnserve已经运行,你需要在继续之前把它停下来。

  3. 运行Subversion安装程序,如果你在你的服务器上运行,可以跳过第4步。

  4. 打开资源管理器,进入Subversion的安装目录(通常是C:\Program Files\Subversion)的bin目录,找到文件svnserve.exeintl3_svn.dlllibapr.dlllibapriconv.dlllibapriutil.dlllibdb*.dlllibeay32.dllssleay32.dll,复制这些文件,或所有bin目录内的文件到你的服务器目录,例如c:\svnserve

运行 svnserve


svnserve.exe --daemon







You can also increase security and save time entering URLs with svnserve by using the --root switch to set the root location and restrict access to a specified directory on the server:

svnserve.exe --daemon --root drive:\path\to\repository\root

Using the previous test as a guide, svnserve would now run as:

svnserve.exe --daemon --root c:\repos

And in TortoiseSVN our repo-browser URL is now shortened to:


Note that the --root switch is also needed if your repository is located on a different partition or drive than the location of svnserve on your server.

Svnserve 可以提供任意数量的版本库服务。只要将这些版本库放到你刚才定义的根目录下即可,然后使用相对于根的URL访问它们。


不要创建和访问网络共享上的 Berkeley DB 版本库,它不能存在于一个远程的文件系统,即使是映射到盘符的共享。如果你希望在网络共享使用 Berkeley DB,结果难以预料-你可能会立刻看到奇怪的错误,也有可能几个月之后才发现数据库已经损坏了。

以服务形式运行 svnserve

使用普通用户直接运行 svnserve 通常不是最好的方法。它意味着你的服务器必须有一个用户登录,还要记着重新启动服务器后重新启动 svnserve。最好的方法是将 svnserve 作为 windows 服务运行。从 Subversion 1.4 开始,svnserve 可以安装为 windows 服务。

To install svnserve as a native windows service, execute the following command all on one line to create a service which is automatically started when windows starts.

sc create svnserve binpath= "c:\svnserve\svnserve.exe --service 
    --root c:\repos" displayname= "Subversion" depend= tcpip start= auto

If any of the paths include spaces, you have to use (escaped) quotes around the path, like this:

sc create svnserve binpath= "
    \"C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\svnserve.exe\"
    --service --root c:\repos" displayname= "Subversion" depend= tcpip start= auto

You can also add a description after creating the service. This will show up in the Windows Services Manager.

sc description svnserve "Subversion server (svnserve)"

注意 sc 的命令行很特殊。在 key= value 对中,key 与 = 之间不能有空格,但是在 value 之前,必须有空格。


Microsoft now recommend services to be run as under either the Local Service or Network Service account. Refer to The Services and Service Accounts Security Planning Guide. To create the service under the Local Service account, append the following to the example above.

obj= "NT AUTHORITY\LocalService"

Note that you would have to give the Local Service account appropriate rights to both Subversion and your repositories, as well as any applications which are used by hook scripts. The built-in group for this is called "LOCAL SERVICE".


为了得到更详细的信息,可参考 Windows Service Support for Svnserve

If you installed an earlier version of svnserve using the SVNService wrapper, and you now want to use the native support instead, you will need to unregister the wrapper as a service (remember to stop the service first!). Simply use the command

svnservice -remove

to remove the service registry entry.

svnserve 的认证

The default svnserve setup provides anonymous read-only access. This means that you can use an svn:// URL to checkout and update, or use the repo-browser in TortoiseSVN to view the repository, but you won't be able to commit any changes.



anon-access = write


One way to overcome this is to create a password database:

anon-access = none
auth-access = write
password-db = userfile

Where userfile is a file which exists in the same directory as svnserve.conf. This file can live elsewhere in your file system (useful for when you have multiple repositories which require the same access rights) and may be referenced using an absolute path, or a path relative to the conf directory. If you include a path, it must be written /the/unix/way. Using \ or drive letters will not work. The userfile should have a structure of:

username = password

This example would deny all access for unauthenticated (anonymous) users, and give read-write access to users listed in userfile.


If you maintain multiple repositories using the same password database, the use of an authentication realm will make life easier for users, as TortoiseSVN can cache your credentials so that you only have to enter them once. More information can be found in the Subversion book, specifically in the sections Create a 'users' file and realm and Client Credentials Caching

使用 svn+ssh 认证



It is beyond the scope of this documentation to detail the installation and setup of a secure shell, however you can find further information in the TortoiseSVN FAQ, SSH How-To. You can find other SSH topics within the FAQ by searching for “SSH”.

更多的关于svnserve的信息可以看《使用 Subversion 进行版本管理》

svnserve 以路径为基础的授权


authz-db = authz


Cyrus SASL Support

Starting with Subversion 1.5.0, svnserve and TortoiseSVN support Cyrus SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer) for the svn:// protocol. You can find further information in this subversion app note: Using Cyrus SASL Authentication with Subversion.